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Category: Tour Life

10 Tips for Packing Light & Thinking like a Minimalist

Less stuff = less stress. Period. Packing fewer things means fewer decisions to make, less to carry around, and less to…

YELLOWSTONE | Say Yes to Self-Care

I sat in the back of a comfy SUV with two of my beloved road moms in the front. We…

MONTANA | Experience Overload

I had to acknowledge that my brain and heart can’t capture the quantity and magnitude of these experiences in…

MONTANA | Savor the Journey

The girl on the plane described Montana as “the most beautiful place in the country” and I smiled politely but…

Hustle vs. Drift: When to take your hands off the wheel?

I heard a podcast once that spoke about fighting the “drift.” It advocated not being swept up in life, but…

COLORADO: Finding Calm in Travel Uncertainty

Most mornings I wake up feeling like I know next to nothing about the conditions I’ll face or how…